Re: [vserver] New to list

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Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 23:52:38 EST

On Friday, 8 February 2002 at 10:37, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

> With that I'd like to know is if anyone has got PostgreSQL (Pg) running
> in any configuration of main and vservers? I ran into a problem with -
> what I thing I understand - Pg binding to all the addresses. I created
> a v_postgresql init script but once I started Pg in a vserver, I
> couldn't restart it in the main server. Haven't had a chance to retry
> since I upgraded to the latest ctx kernel and rebooted.

I had similar problem too, I think it was something to do with the way
Pg uses ipc/shared memory.

I haven't tried it with the latest kernel yet which is supposed to make ipc private.

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