Re: [useradd] Adding user fails in vserver

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From: Bourque, Guillaume (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 09:41:37 EST

Hi, all you have to do is change those attribute from the root context
wuth the chattr command..

This is not a bug, but it is a really nice feature ! You can control from
the root server what file a vserver can and can't change.

Oup's I'm not sure anynore ,,,, I just did
[root_at_vserver:v2 etc]lsattr passwd
------------- passwd

And in that vserver I can add user using the normal adduser command.

Maybe your passwd file is hardlink to a file that has some attributes that
prevnet it to be modify !

Good luck

Vous auriez écrit ... :

>I just figured out, that adding a user with "useradd <username>"
>fails with "useradd: cannot rewrite password file".
>vs1:~ # lsattr /etc/passwd
>------------ /etc/passwd
>Is this already known and how do I avoid this?
>Thanks in advance,

--------------------- La qualité avant tout ! ----------------------
Guillaume Bourque                           Conseiller technologique
                     LogiSoft Technologies inc.
Tél. (514) 576-7638                              Fax: (450) 649-6134
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