From: John Lyons (
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 07:56:02 EST
> That doesn't make sense to me at all.
It did to me, until I read the changelog for the vserver.
My approach has been to build vservers based on the host server or on a
'standardised' bare vserver. Each vserver has contained all of it's own
rpm's with no hard linking or sharing of packages. The idea being that each
vserver would have 100% control over all of the packages used on it. (I know
it's not efficient for storage)
Having read the change log I've now got more information on vunify and
vbuild (They're not explained very well in the main documentation) I would
suggest that using vbuild to create your vs rather than vserver xxx build
you'll be able to create your vs with all of the packages linked to the host
server or a reference vs. On that basis your disk space requirements should
reduce to the space needed per conf file.
I've not tried it yet but I will probably have a go at this today.
My problem at the moment is that I've got 4 vs' running each with 4 or 5
processes (host is running 55 + 18 over all vs) and the server load is
running at over 1. (So far there is only 1 working web site on 1 vs and the
others are sat doing nothing)
Either I've got something running thats eating resources or it's the vs but
I'm not sure how to work out what's causing the increase in load.
John Lyons
ICQ 74187012
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