Re: Vserver is cool but too dependent on the distribution

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From: Kerberus (
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 12:05:58 EST

Pssst, lurker here..... jus my .02 cents.

Not to knock you guys, but one drawback is it runs only on linux... not
any of the *BSDs, I heard at one point there was supposed to be a "port"
but that was last year sometime! Im sorry but i wount chase dependent
rpms all over the net with a linux box. BSD is so much more straigh
forward... but unfortunatley "vserver" is linux specific. So I would say
not only to dependent on diistribution, but also on the OS itself.

On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 10:55, Jacques Gelinas wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Dec 2001 21:24:01 -0500, Christian wrote
> > > Ok, this is enough to get me going. I will produce a debian aware
> > vserver
> > > package later this week and we will see what it does.
> > >
> >
> > Before You start to fix vserver for any single distribution, I will assist
> > u in making a generic autoconf-package (as i allready started). Of course
> > it will need distro-specific stuff, but having it autodetected is much
> > nicer.
> Yes and no. I would like /usr/sbin/vserver to be dynamicly compatible with most
> distro out there. Nothing prevent you from running debian inside redhat or the
> reverse and I would like the vserver project to cope with that.
> If we solve the /sbin/init stuff, then this will be even more transparent. We will
> fire /sbin/init and it will take care of its own stuff. For sure, when we build a vserver
> we will have to taylor /etc/inittab, at least to remove unneeded things such
> as the initial startup (rc.sysinit in redhat) and also the mingetty on the vconsole.
> If you think autoconf may help there, please send me proposition, patch, whatever
> you think is useful. Send it to the list as well, so other can jump on it :-)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Jacques Gelinas <>
> vserver: run general purpose virtual servers on one box, full speed!

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