Re: [vserver] Newbie Question on Kernel

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From: Paul Sladen (
Date: Fri Aug 16 2002 - 18:56:09 EDT

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Peter Kwan Chan wrote:
> [...] Onetime a tech told me that it was "a driver" problem, and this
> latest time the kernel "freezes at uncompressing kernel."

Could be trying to boot a kernel compiled for a more recent processor branch
than your hardware, eg. P4 kernel on a PII/III.

Moral: Get a terminal server on the serial port and compile your own kernels.

> All four servers were using standard hardware; there were nothing exotic.

Are they all identical? Is there any hardware that is/isn't in the machines
that did/didn't boot? (eg. 3ware RAID controllers? ;-)

> Should I compile my own kernel instead? (I have never done it before).

IMHO. Yes.


Nottingham, GB

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