From: Jon Bendtsen (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 03:55:10 EDT
"Roderick A. Anderson" wrote:
> I'm looking at a new system and want use a multi-processor MB. I see the
> smp kernels but have heard there are some problems, sometimes with smp
> Athlons. Anyone running Vservers on a dual Athlon system? And are you
> happy?
I'm not running vserver on a dual athlon, but i am at a dual P200mmx.
I do however have one dual athlon here at work, and it has given us
some trouble, how ever, we do think it was because it became too hot.
We also had trouble with the memory used for this server. In the
we didnt use reg. memory, so it would only run with a FSB of 200. Later
we got some reg. memory, and then it could sort of run with a FSB of
We are however, because of the trouble with it, only running it at
though we are using the reg. memory for it.
The board was a tyan tiger? thunder ? anyway, it is a tyan, and there
nothing onboard. no scsi no nothing. The cpu's are 1200MHz athlon MP,
at 900 though, because of the 200 MHz FSB.
I dont know any other dual athlon boards. But i do know that you need
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