RE: [vserver] apache security / Cookbook Vservers / vserver systemusage

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From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 09:46:43 EDT

On Sun, 2002-05-12 at 01:55, John Lyons wrote:
> I've almost given up trying to get it upgraded now to ctx-10. locate and
> grep find no files called or containging ctx-8 but everytime the server
> boots it's back to ctx-8. Only thing that I can think of is that it is the
> ctx-10 kernel but it's being misreported but I don't know how that could
> happen. :-(
Seems youre not quite up2date on grub :-)
Nor am I. That's why I stick to lilo.
keep a bootdisk handy.. if you don't have one, mkbootdisk will help ya

set up /etc/lilo properly - it's much easier than grub, and run lilo.
Reboot and there should be no problems.

Klavs Klavsen

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