RE: [vserver] apache security / Cookbook Vservers / vserver system usage

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From: John Lyons (
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 07:29:27 EDT

> Your post here is especially relevant to vserver in a hosted
> environment:
> I think many of us are interested in vserver because it helps our web
> hosting operations be more secure, scalable, reliable, etc.

Slightly changing the approach here, I think you're looking at using
vservers within a hosting environment in the sense that you offer individual
hosting accounts to customers but host those accounts on vservers. Yes,
this is a good use for the vserver. We're doing this already. We're not
that heavily into apache/php/mysql hardening we're just using the latest
php4.1.2 rpm packages so that we can unify everything across multiple
vservers. To us the advantage of the vserver is that we've now got apache,
mysql, smtp/pop and bind each running in their own vservers. From this
we've got some enhanced security and when the load from any one of those
services gets too much we can easily move them to a separate server.

The other use that vserver is good for is giving each customer their own
vserver in the FreeVSD style. We've just launched this to a select number
of our own customers which is proving to be very popular!


John Lyons
ICQ 74187012

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