Re: [vserver] unify check/ disk usage

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From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 03:08:27 EST

On Mon, 2002-02-25 at 11:32, klavs klavsen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Here comes a long list of questions, sorry for the inconvenience but I
> hope you can find the time to answer.
> I'll try to gather all the information from this and earlier emailings
> into some additions to the FAQ, to help all new vserver users - and
> possible add some clever tips/usage to old users :-)
> I was wondering, if any of you know way I could:
> 1) get the disk usage of a vserver (the real one - discounting unified
> files).
I found vdu (I thought it existed, but couldn't find it in a bin
directory - why is it under /usr/lib/vserver/?)

However it seems a little off.. my skel server, which has a bare minimum
of spaceusage, it says uses 325000K and that sounds like it's not
unified at all :-(

> 2) get a list of files, that is not unified (or a list of files that
> are?) - this way I could easily check for changes in a vserver - such as
> evidence of hackers and such.
> 3) I have several vservers running now, and if I add some files to my
> root server, how can I easily hardlink them to the vservers I want to be
> able to access it? ln ? (this is to save disk space).
can I use the vunify command?

> btw. I'm looking into how to get Samba running under a vserver, as I
> consider it one of the rather dangerous services to run and I would
> therefore like it to be run under a vserver.. any tips or experiences
> with this? I've heard there were some problems with the smb broadcasts?
> why is this? Can I do anything about it (add a capability, like what
> fixes the Bind issue?).
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> Regards,
> Klavs Klavsen
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Klavs Klavsen

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