From: Roderick A. Anderson (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 19:21:37 EST
I just tried to use newvserver and got pretty much a failure. I suspect
it is an issue I've run into and discussed with Jacques but I'm not sure
he had a chance to get around to fixing it.
Build a vserver for an already existing directory.
This is on a 2.4.17ctx-7 kernel and vserver-0.10-1.
I've created - far too many - partitions to place my vservers in. Make
the users take the hit if they fill the partition up. The partition is
mounted (/vservers/vs3). Did a quick check and can't find where the
problem is. Maybe unify won't work on separate partitions.
Any thoughts?
-- Let Accuracy Triumph Over VictoryZetetic Institute "David's Sling" Marc Stiegler
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