Re: [vserver] what about a Todo list?

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From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 13:47:40 EST

On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 16:29, Vlad wrote:
> > I was thinking that if the vserver site, had a Todo list of wanted
> > features/bug-fixes.. people would more easily be able to see wether or
> > not they could/would contribute to the project.
But they seem all to be checked (ie. done)..?

> > It also helps to show how far the project has come, and how far it has
> > travelled (even more so, if you kept the already finished Todo's at the
> > bottom).

that does the trick I guess :-)

> > I'd like to help making it, and the FAQ I talked about earlier if you
> > think that's a good idea. I would like it to be a collaborate effort, as
> > that will make it better - and also ensure the work gets used :-)
> If you have something to contribute to the project why don't you just
> email the stuff to Jacques?
I'll write down my questions and the answers I've found and email them

Klavs Klavsen

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