RE: [vserver] vserver help

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From: John Lyons (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 12:05:31 EST

> I tried starting v_httpd and I get the following error.
> Invalid IP number or host name: eth0
> chbind version 0.10
> chbind [ --silent ] [ --ip ip_num ] command argument

v_httpd and all of the v_* init scripts are used to start services on the
host server rather than within a vserver. Use the normal init scripts for
httpd sshd etc when you're in a vs.

> In the test vserver I created an
> account called
> admin. I was also able to create an admin account in the
> main server. Then
> I created an account called admin2 in the main server, and
> tried creating
> that same account in the test vserver, and it says that that
> account is
> already created. Isn't the vserver supposed to be able to
> handle it's own
> accounts, regardless of what the main server has, or what
> other vservers
> have?

If you've got admin and admin2 users in the host server when you build your
first vs then the users from the host (or reference) server will be coppied
into the vserver. From reading the above it doesn't sound like this is
what's caused the problem but it's worth knowing.


John Lyons
ICQ 74187012

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