RE: [vserver] shrink wrap it

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From: John Lyons (
Date: Sun Feb 10 2002 - 14:22:56 EST

> if the server only has One IP, and
> 1) all the services listening on that IP, ran under each
> vserver - would there be security issues?

I'm not sure if I understand this question correctly. But I think you're
suggesting running multiple vservers under the same IP address? If so this
isn't possible. From my understanding of the system each vserver needs it's
own unique IP address.

> Can I run - 2 or more chroot'ed services on 1 vserver? or can
> vserver it self restrict/chroot each service - kinda like LIDS does?

If you need to run 2 or 3 chrooted services just run each service in it's
own vserver rather than trying to subdivide a vserver down into smaller
chunks. (Fine of course unless your customer has a vserver and wants to run
a service in a chroot environment)


John Lyons
ICQ 74187012

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