Re: Vserver is cool but too dependent on the distribution

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From: Mark Constable (
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 04:16:39 EST

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 19:03, Luc Stepniewski wrote:
> ...
> I made a port of vserver for Debian, and modified the vserver build part
> to use the pbuilder package from debian to extract a fresh new
> filesystem. I recoded the vbuild C program in python (much easier to
> maintain, it takes just 122 lines of code, with comments :-).
> If I'm allowed to, I'll post the files/patches here, as soon as I have
> it cleaned a little.

If not then could I please have a copy of your work ?

The RPM nature of vserver just about totally put me
off but I was not prepared to put in an effort like
yours so well done and thank you very much !


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