From: Dicken, Peer (
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 06:18:32 EST
I´ve tried vserver and think it´s a good piece of software. Before I´ve
played with freeVSD and user-mode-linux.
Well, I think it would be a perfect thing to have pre-defined skeletons for
users, like freeVSD does it.
Currently I´m killing the parts of the virtual server the client does not
need. The result will be a minimal suse 7.3 installation, which allows me to
install the needed software on-top. I will take this one as the base for all
How many servers could be running on a standard-pc? ... assuming there´s not
too much load on the servers ... What´s your experience?
Can I enable quotas to restrict the space of the vserver?
Well the problem: I´ve created a vserver and wanted to delete it. Well, in
this case I could not. I created the server with vbuild from another one and
now I cannot delete /proc and /dev :-( from the directory of the old server.
Gruss / best regards,
Peer Dicken
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