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Price Comparison

Let’s compare the price of complete xLswitch solution in High-Avalability configuration to ServerIron XL/TCS ($4.5K), taking into account the price of hardware as well as software. In failover-ready configuration you will need 2 Foundry switches, i.e. the price is $9K For xLswitch we will need 2 Dell 1550 server (933MHz, 256M RAM, 2 eth) – list price $1399 each and xLswitch promo pack. Total cost is $5.3K – more than 40% discount (SWsoft can also offer 10% discount on these Dells sold in bundles with xLswitch, so the price will be $5K, when bought directly from us).

The following table summarises prices (street, US dollars, unless noted) for similar complete solution for various load-balancing products:

Product Hardware Software OS Total
SWsoft xLswitch $2,500 $2,500 - $5,000
TurboLinux TurboCluster $2,500 $4,000 - $6,500
Zeus Load Balancer $2,500 $8,000 - $10,500
Microsoft AppCenter $2,500 $5,400 $1,700 $9,600
Resonate CD on NT $2,500 $8,000 $1,700 $12,200
Cisco CSS 11050 * $11,500 - - $11,500
Foundry ServerIron XL/TCS (2 pcs) ** $9,000 - - $9,000
Foundry ServerIron XL 8-port (2 pcs) *** $11,000 - - $11,000

   *) This cheapest member of CSS family does not support standby configuration. Boxes that does do not have prices announced yet (known to be in over $20K range)
   **) This cheapest known hardware solution is discontinued - Foundry Networks issued End-Of-Life statement due 12/31/2001
   ***) Note that the list price for ServerIron XL is $8K per box. $5.5K is the best offer we found on the Net.

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