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Technology For
Fast and Furious HSPs
VPS Fast Start Program teaser Hosting Service Providers are jump-starting their profits using Virtuozzo technology to partition their servers into hundreds of fully-isolated and secure “Virtual Private Servers.”
Starting from $3,000

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Product Documentation
pdf icon Features Overview
pdf icon Bandwidth Management
pdf icon Level 7 Switching
pdf icon Application Notes
PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentation

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HSPcomplete HSPcomplete
Virtuozzo Virtuozzo

Ordering Information

xLswitch is locked to the computer it is running on using unique Hardware ID (HWID) generated by vzkeygen utility. Each computer running xLswitch must have a valid license installed. In the case of changes to any computer configuration, new license has to be requested, but the software will still run during 48 hours grace period, which should be enough for obtaining a new license.

xLswitch is priced based on the number of computers you want to run xLswitch on and the number of the nodes (real servers). The way it works you need to buy one base licensing unit for each computer that will run xLswitch (including backup xLswitch computer), and each of this computer should be equipped with enough node licenses.

Current Promotional Pricing
Valid till April 30, 2002

You can place the order directly with SWsoft by calling 1-650-875-7185. When you click on one of "Buy Now!" links, you will be able to pay online with our online payment partner, RegSoft.

Entry Pack
1 Base license + 3 Node licenses
$999.00 Buy Now
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Promo Pack
2 Base licenses + 10 Node licenses
$2499.00 Buy Now
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Additional Base license $789.00 Buy Now
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Additional Node License $299.00 Buy Now
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