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Latest Product News:

5 December, 2001
SWsoft Announces The Release Of xLswitch, The Universal Traffic Management Solution

xLswitch is a Linux-based scalable and highly available Traffic, Bandwidth and Content Management solution for Web, Mail and Internet application servers. It is transparent to the user and does not require modifications of existing applications. We provide GUI administration tools, extensive bandwidth management capabilities and open SDK for new modules implementation (new application level protocol support and new management tools).

xLswitch enables multiple servers on the LAN to act collectively as a single high-performance, highly available and easy to manage system. It is capable of inspecting application-level protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc) and applying traffic management policies based on various protocol attributes, such as URL, user name or even client cookies.

High Performance
To reduce the overhead of userspace packet inspection and forwarding and achieve the highest performance possible most of processing was moved into the kernel space. Patent-pending zero-copy, zero-checksum algorithm was used to improve the performance even further. As a result, we were able to achieve 7000 packets per second throughput on off-the-shelf 2x500Mhz PC hardware (measured on short packets).
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Level 7 Traffic Switching
When the customer request is received, xLswitch parses it and looks for "interesting" data in packet stream. Simpler solutions usually only pay attention to port numbers that define which protocol the client is speaking. xLswitch does not stop there; it can extract parameters of application-level protocols and use them for making a traffic management decision. Modular architecture and open API allow for easy customization of xLswitch for new protocols.
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Bandwidth Management
xLswitch integrated high-performance bandwidth management service is designed to give Internet data center operators fine-tuned control over bandwidth utilization. Integrated with server load balancing and content management, it provides a flexible traffic and content switching platform. Even for organizations that can afford to provide excessive amounts of bandwidth to critical applications, bandwidth management offers benefits in security monitoring and control.
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High Availability
xLswitch performs dynamic scheduling of client requests based on server health and number of clients to ensure uninterrupted access to applications. xLswitch is constantly monitoring individual server availability, and excludes dead servers from the pool. xLswitch also simplifies server maintenance and reduces or even eliminates downtime. Servers can be taken off line one by one for servicing while the rest handle the load.
Even if the computer running xLswitch crashes, another xLswitch configured as a backup can substitute. Administrators can be notified by pager and/or e-mail about problems, such as a dead server or xLswitch computer.

xLswitch may be purchased as an independent product for installation by a network administrator or it can be purchased with SWsoft professional services to provide customization for your specific needs.

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