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VPS Fast Start Program teaser Hosting Service Providers are jump-starting their profits using Virtuozzo technology to partition their servers into hundreds of fully-isolated and secure “Virtual Private Servers.”
Starting from $3,000

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Product Documentation
pdf icon Features Overview
pdf icon Bandwidth Management
pdf icon Level 7 Switching
pdf icon Application Notes
PowerPoint PowerPoint Presentation

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Product Literature

To help you learn xLswitch features faster, we've prepared a number of brochures and multimedia demos. For each topic, there is a background material and a corresponding multimedia demonstration. You will need Windows Media Player to download and see demo materials, if it is not available at your platform, please use streaming demos for Real Player below.

BrochureAdobe Acrobat BrochureWindows Media Player Presentation
Features Overview pdf icon 75 KB Windows Media Player 2.5 MB
Level 7 Switching pdf icon 72 KB Windows Media Player 1.2 MB
Bandwidth Management pdf icon 76 KB Windows Media Player 2.0 MB

Streaming Multimedia Demo

Most of the xLswitch configuration is performed through GUI tools. We've prepared a multimedia streeming demo to help you evaluate the interface and get started with xLswitch configuration more quickly. This demo is available in RealMedia and Windows Media Player formats and for 2 different speeds each. Please choose the one best suiting your configuration below.

RealPlayer RealPlayer Dial-up 34 Kbps DSL/Cable 80 Kbps
Windows Media Player Windows Media Player Dial-up 28.8 Kbps DSL/Cable 100 Kbps

xLswitch Presentation Materials

Application Notes document contains the description of several most typical xLswitch use cases. Will be useful for new xLswitch administrators as well.

Application Notes pdf icon 460KB
PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint 385KB

xLswitch User Guides

We've also made available actual documentation included in the package, including Admin Guide, Developer Guide and SDK API Reference.

xLswitch Administrator Guide (PDF)
Installation and configuration guide, from initial setup to troubleshooting.
pdf icon800KB
xLswitch Developer Guide (PDF)
A definitive manual on creation of the custom xLswitch modules using supplied SDK
pdf icon340KB
xLswitch SDK API Reference (PDF)
Reference Guide on SDK API functions and data structures.
pdf icon390KB

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