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Starting from $3,000

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Competitive Comparison

We prepared a short feature comparison of xLswitch and other popular software-based load-balancing and traffic management solutions - Microsoft AppCenter, Linux Virtual Server (LVS), Turbolinux Turbocluster and Resonate Central Dispatch. LVS is open source project, very popular in Linux community, but lacks more advanced features. Resonate CD is very mature, but does not have bandwidth management features and pretty expensive. TurboCluster was once pretty popular as inexpensive clustering solution, so we included it as well, and, no comparison could be complete without Microsoft product (Application Center)

    Switched Protocols   xLswitch     RSNT     LVS     TCS     MSFT      
    HTTP, by URL, Host, Cookie, CGI parameters          
    FTP, by user name            
    Any other TCP-based by IP address and port    
    Bandwidth Management & QOS   xLswitch     RSNT     LVS     TCS     MSFT      
    By Client            
    By Service            
    By User            
    By other L7 protocol attributes            
    Load Balancing Strategies   xLswitch     RSNT     LVS     TCS     MSFT      
    Round Robin    
    Least Connections    
    Weighted Round Robin    
    Weigthed Least Connections    
    Least CPU          
    Session Persistence Rules   xLswitch     RSNT     LVS     TCS     MSFT      
    IP Address    
    HTTP Cookie        
    HTTP CGI-parameters        
    Other Features   xLswitch     RSNT     LVS     TCS     MSFT      
    Failover Support      
    Open SDK for L7 protocols support            
    GUI tools        

   xLswitch SWsoft xLswitch, v1.1
   RSNT Resonate Central Dispatch, v4.0
   LVS Linux Virtual Server, v0.9.6
   TCS TurboLinux TurboCluster, v6.0
   MSFT Microsoft AppCenter Server 2000

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