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MagnumSC Specs

This page summarises the common specs of MagnumSC server consolidation appliance line. For more details, please refer to individual appliance specs (M30, M130, and M230)

Hardware Description

  • 2-8 Intel Pentium III (Xeon) CPU, up to 1.6Ghz each
  • 1-4GB RAM (up to 64GB with the upcoming software update)
  • Ultra-160 SCSI and FiberChannel are supported as storage interfaces
  • Redundant network connection, FiberChannel HBA and power supplies.
  • Hot-swap disk drives
  • Up to 10 Ethernet connections are supported
  • Enterprise-class reliability and management features

Software Specs

  • Virtuozzo version 2.0.2/SC
  • Virtuozzo Management Console (VZMC)
  • Up to 2000 servers on a single appliance

Platform Specs

MagnumSC provides multiple Virtual Environments (VE) as a platform for servers consolidation. Each VE conforms to the following specs:

  • Linux 2.4.x kernel
  • Multiple Linux distributions on the same appliance
  • Up to 4GB of usable memory, dynamically managed (no reboot; changes are activated on the fly)
  • Up to 2TB of usable disk space, dynamically managed (no reboot; changes are activated on the fly)
  • Effective and transparent sharing of physical RAM and disk space between VE
  • Dynamically managed network bandwidth
  • Fast VE creation time - typically 1-3 seconds
  • Built-in firewall
  • Over 20 dynamically (no reboot; on the fly) configurable advanced QoS parameters
  • Complete performance and network isolation between VE; DoS attacks prevention
  • High-speed zero-copy internal networking
  • Integrated application management, allowing easy software maintenance for multiple users
  • Hot VE backup
  • ... and more

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