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M30 Precision?
Entry level, rack-optimized 2U server consolidation appliance. Features dual Pentium III CPU. Consolidates up to 50 servers (5-10 recommended) and supports up to 500 users.
MagnumSC M30 Typical configuration:
  • Two Intel Pentium III 1.4GHz CPU.
  • 2x36 GB internal hot-swap HDDs, RAID-1.
  • Dual Ethernet adapter.
  • Dual QLA2200 HBA attached to 250GB (7x36GB) disk array.
  • Redundant hot-swap power supply.
  • The M30 is the lowest cost way to start reducing your TCO through server consolidation. At prices starting at $10,000, M30 models come with pre-installed and pre-sized Virtuozzo OS virtualization software capable of supporting up to 50 instances of the Linux OS (5-10 suggested). Pre-configured Red Hat 7.2 templates can be easily created and deployed. The M30 comes with Linux Web, mail and networking applications. Additional Linux RPMs can be installed in any VE with no modification to the software. The administrator can also create custom OS templates to manage VEs in groups using the optional Application Packaging Toolkit.

    Like all Magnum models, the M30 comes with VZMC, a full graphical GUI to manage multiple virtualized servers as a single resource. Multiple M30 appliances can be connected together with a standard Ethernet and managed from a single VZMC administrator GUI. The M30 can also be transparently connected to M130 or M230 models and managed from a central GUI.

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