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Magnum M230 Turbo?
High-end MagnumSC series server consolidation appliance. Features up to eight Xeon CPUs. Consolidates up to 200 servers (30-50 recommended) and supports up to 5,000 users. Employs Virtuozzo OS virtualization software.
MagnumSC M230 Typical configuration:
  • Eight Intel Pentium III Xeon 900MHz CPUs.
  • 2x36 GB internal hot-swap HDDs, RAID-1.
  • Dual Ethernet adapter.
  • Dual QLA2200 HBA attached to 1TB (14x73GB) disk array.
  • Redundant hot-swap power supply.
  • IT administrators look to the M230 for the maximum in value, efficiency, scalability and service levels. The M230 takes full advantage of the underlying eight-processor, Intel-based architecture to ensure the most flexibility, availability and reliability.

    Available in custom configurations, the M230 is designed to be the core of the enterprise data center. Redundant M230 appliances can be placed in high-availability failover configurations. The M230 can also be integrated into groupings of M130 and M30 appliances across multiple data centers, with the entire network managed from a single GUI.

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