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MagnumSC - Server Consolidation Simplicity

Based on Virtuozzo -- the most advanced multitenancy, virtualization, resource management and clustering technology on the market.

Transparent server consolidation in a simple box that sets up in a day and requires no changes to applications, no changes to IT processes and no retraining.

MagnumSC Appliances solve problems for IT administrators who must plan for rapid changes in technologies and user requirements.

    MagnumSC can solve these problems:
  • Difficulties in planning TCO when growth is not designed into the system.
  • Data and applications that are increasingly fragmented across multiple divisions and geographies, increasing the complexity and costs of administration.
  • Increasing costs of preventing service outages and system slowdowns.
    MagnumSC is the simplest way to consolidate servers:
  • Pre-sized models take the guesswork out of planning.
  • Consolidate 10-200 servers on a single appliance simply by choosing a M30, M130 or M230.
  • GUI allows easy configuration of an entire network.
  • Update dozens of servers in under a minute with pre-configured templates.
  • Provision applications to groups of servers.
M30 Precision M130 Midrange M230 Turbo
Entry level rack-optimized 2U server consolidation appliance. Features dual Pentium III CPU.
Consolidates up to 50 servers (5-10 recommended) and supports up to 500 users. More information
Mid-range rack-optimized 4U server consolidation appliance. Features quad Xeon CPU.
Consolidates up to 100 servers (15-20 recommended) and supports up to 1,500 users. More information
High-end MagnumSC series server consolidation appliance. Features up to eight Xeon CPU.
Consolidates up to 200 servers (30-50 recommended) and supports up to 5000 users.
More information

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    Phone Call +1 (650) 875 7185
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