
System Director |
System Director provides the system-wide security, license and customization functionality. It works in conjunction with all other HSPcomplete modules. It also provides the post-installation setup and configuration functionality.
Components of the System Director:
Module that allows to perform an initial configuration of the HSPcomplete installation: submit/edit the company name, address, contact information, setup the secure communications (turn on SSL, generate SCR, install signed secure certificate).
To establish the secure communications between the users of the browser-based tools and the management node, HSP administrator decides to turn on SSL on the management node web server. Using the Configuration Manager, he generates the Certificate Signing Request (CSR), generates a self-signed certificate - to use it temporarily as a site certificate. Then he sends the CSR to a trusted external authority. Once he receives the signed certificate - he installs it.
HSPcomplete has a fixed set of user roles. Security Manager is a tool that allows Hosting Service Provider and Reseller administrators to assign one or more roles to the users and to define the permissions that roles have on HSPcomplete screens.
Administrator from the Hosting Provider company received a request from the management to register new sales manager in the system and give her access to the billing reports. Using Security Manager administrator registers new sales manager, assigns her Sales and Marketing role. Then he checks if the Sales and Marketing role has sufficient privileges to access the billing reports. He sees that the group does not have sufficient rights. He adds the right to see the billing reports to the Sales and Marketing role.
License Manager allows Hosting Service Provider to install new HSPcomplete and Virtuozzo licenses, track the license usage, order and install additional licenses. Using the License Manager HSP can also order, install and track the licenses for applications to be installed into VEs. We will have one license file for each group of licenses (one for HSPcomplete and one for Virtuozzo) and this file will be reissued every time HSP orders additional license.
After the initial installation of HSPcomplete software, HSP administrator from the Hosting Service Provider company using License Manager installs the licenses on the management and hardware nodes - both tools and Virtuozzo licenses. Customers start self-provision VEs, newly registered Resellers start creating VEs for their Customers. Administrator receives an e-mail about license shortage for VE Light class on one of the hardware nodes. He opens the License Manager, checks the license usage and orders additional licenses from SWsoft. When he receives the license file with newly ordered licenses - he installs it to the hardware node using the License Manager and checks that license count on this node has increased.
Customization Manager allows to customize the appearance of the HSPcomplete tools: change the screens layout and colors in HSPstore to look like the website of the Hosting Service Provider or reseller. Using the Customization Manager Hosting Service Provider can customize the tools for his Resellers and Customers. Resellers can customize their own tools and tools for their Customers.
Hosting Service Provider just enrolled new Reseller. Reseller wants his HSPstore to look like his existing website. Using Customization Manager Reseller changes the screens layout - he adds left column and uploads his company logo to be shown in the top left corner of the HSPstore screens. Then he provides an HTML code for the horizontal menu to be shown in the screen headers - to show his company web site menu. Also he changes the colors of main design elements: table headers, odd and even rows, bars and buttons.
Site Manager is a browser-based tool that allows HSP and resellers to visually build the site around the HSPcomplete in a very short period of time. It allows to select one of the pre-defined themes (or customize colors and images), upload HTML code and graphical files to be placed on the website.
After installation of the HSPcomplete, hosting service provider decided to rapidly build the company/service around the HSPcomplete installation. HSP wants his HSPstore to be visually and functionally integrated into his website. He plans the site structure and using Site Manager he creates the basic 6-pages website in 60 minutes: selects layout, selects themes, creates the About, Contact Us, FAQ, Partners and Support based on the templates provided by Site Manager.
Localization Manager provides the mechanism to translate the HSPcomplete tools to different languages.
Localization Manager does not have any screens. Hosting Service Provider decides to translate the HSPcomplete to new language - French. From the localization Manager documentation administrator from the HSP company obtains the location and format of the resource file. He passes the original file in English to translator from English to French. Once he received the file with resources translated to French - he installs it into the system using the Localization Manager. HSPcomplete tools become available also in French.
Task Manager is a mechanism for processing the tasks asynchronously in the browser-based tools. It helps to resolve the task concurrency conflicts. It does not provide task scheduling functionality yet (like moving VEs at pre-defined time) or performing actions based on the events (trigger the VE move if CPU usage on a hardware node grows fast).
Two HSP administrators are working in the Provider Control Centers simultaneously. One of them started moving the Virtual Environments out of the overloaded hardware node. Another started the VE he found stopped on the same hardware node. Both tasks will be placed by the Task Manager in queue and analyzed for conflicts. Task Manager will send an error message to second administrator saying that VE he tried to start has been moved.