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Control Panels Control Panels

HSPcomplete 2.0 has three Control Panels for the Customer Administrators and one - for customer end-users. They are intended for different users (with different level of the system administration knowledge, with different privileges) therefore not all of them will be used by the same user.

Though Control panels are intended for the administration inside VE - they are installed on the Management Node. This brings an implementation challenges but has few significant benefits:

  • Control Panels code is located in a single place therefore it is easier to upgrade them.
  • Control Panels code is out of reach of the VE users - they can not break it.
  • Control Panels work over https therefore only one secure certificate required instead of separate certificate for each VE.

Workgroup Administrator Control Panel Customer Administrator Control Panel Top of the page

Simple control panel for the customer that allows to manage the subscriptions and perform basic operations on customer VEs. Using Customer Administrator Control Panel administrator from the customer company updates the contact information; check the bills and statements online. He can view usage statistics and billing information and if he needs more resources - he upgrades the plan, purchases additional applications. He also performs the basic VE management functionality: start/stop his VEs, change the hostname, set the root password in VE, perform the client-side backup.

Customer just received a monthly bill from the Hosting Service Provider. Amount of the bill is quite high. Administrator from the customer's company opens the Customer Administrator Control Panel, opens Billing folder and checks the last statement online. From the statement he sees that amount is high for one of the VEs. Then he opens statistics folder and checks the resource usage. He finds out that this VE consumed a lot of network traffic. Administrator opens the subscription folder in the Control Panel and upgrades this VE to the plan that includes more network traffic.

Configuration Manager VE Workgroup Administrator Control Panel Top of the page

The tool for small company administrator or workgroup administrator (or workgroup users without the dedicated administrator). It hides from the user the complexity of server administration and allows users without deep system administration knowledge to perform simple tasks. Using VE Workgroup Administrator Control Panel customer can manage company/workgroup website, manage users and user mailboxes, manage the mailing lists. End-users receive the My Control Panel.

New person was just hired in the customer's company. She needs her e-mail to be set up. Workgroup administrator opens the VE Workgroup Administrator Control panel, selects the Users/Mailboxes item and creates new mailbox for new person. Then he sends the login information to her.

System Adminstrator Control Panel VE System Administrator Control Panel Top of the page

Tool for the customer administrator that allows to manage the users and configure server services. Users should have the basic system administration knowledge. Using VE System Administrator Control Panel customer administrator can manage the separate services inside his VE. He can manage Apache, sendmail, majordomo, proFTPd, processes and users. Repair VE functionality is available through VE System Administrator Control Panel.

Company just build an online store on their website and needs a secure certificate to provide the secure communication for visitors. Customer's administrator opens the VE System Administrator Control Panel, selects services menu item and then selects Apache, In Apache configuration he selects SSL configuration and generates the Certificate Signing Request. He then sends this request to Verisign by e-mail. When signed certificate being received - administrator installs it on Apache using VE System Administrator Control panel. Now visitors can benefit from the secure communication with company's online store.

My Control Panel My Control Panel Top of the page

My Control Panel is an end-user self-management tool. Provided for the end-users from the customer companies that use VE Workgroup Administrator Control Centers. Using My Control Panel end-user manages his personal information, configures e-mail autoresponders, configure the mail forwarding to an external address, upload and manage the files in his home directory.

Company's sales manager is going overseas for the sales training for couple month. He need his e-mail to be forwarded to the public mail server from where he will read it. He opens My Control Panel, selects the Mail Forwarding item and configures to forward all incoming e-mail to his Hotmail account.

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