Control Centers |
Control Centers are essential containers that group the functionality from different components (directors and managers) depending on the roles assigned to the user.
Components of the Control Centers:
Browser-based tool for the Hosting Service Provider. Provides access to the functionality of all HSPcomplete components: managers and directors. Left Java tree shows only the components permitable to the user according to the user's role in the Hosting Service Provider company.
One of the hardware nodes in the HSPcomplete cluster has faulty power supply that needs to be replaced or repaired. In the left tree of the Provider Control Center HSP administrator selects the Operations Manager, opens the data center folder and checks the resource usage on other hardware nodes and decides to temporarily move all VEs from the faulty hardware node to other hardware nodes. He creates the plans which VEs goes where and moves them. Once the power supply being fixed - administrator moves VEs back.
Basically it is the most powerful tool in HSPcomplete.
Browser-based tool for the reseller. Provides access to the functionality of HSPcomplete components (directors and managers) available for the reseller. Left Java tree shows only the components permitable to the user according to the user's role in the reseller company.
Reseller received an order from the prospective customer for the Virtual Environment that does not fit any hosting plan that reseller sells. Administrator from the reseller opens the Reseller Control Panel, selects in the left tree Operations Manager, then selects the VE item and creates the VE manually by providing the QoS parameters, network traffic limit, over-usage rate and specifies the setup and monthly fees. VE gets created and started, administrator sends the login information to the customer. Customer starts using his VE.
Browser-based tool for the large enterprise customer administrator. Provides access to the functionality of HSPcomplete (directors and managers) components available for the enterprise customer. Left Java tree shows only the components permitable to the user according to the user's role in the enterprise customer company.
Newly created department in the enterprise customer company needs a separate web and mail server to install their intranet application and to handle the department's e-mail. Enterprise customer administrator opens the Enterprise Control Center and creates the VE from the hosting hlan that includes Apache and MySQL to run the department's intranet application and sendmail with POP server required to process the e-mail.