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  For HSPs of All Sizes

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Fast and Furious HSPs
VPS Fast Start Program teaser Hosting Service Providers are jump-starting their profits using Virtuozzo technology to partition their servers into hundreds of fully-isolated and secure “Virtual Private Servers.”
Starting from $3,000

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HSPcomplete HSPcomplete
Virtuozzo Virtuozzo


Business Director Business Director

Business Director provides the business functionality: customer account management, partner enrollment and management, usage accounting and billing, self-provisioning and e-commerce.

Components of the Business Director:
Account Manager Account Manager
Channel Manager Channel Manager
Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager
Billing Manager Billing Manager
Commerce Manager Commerce Manager

Account Manager Account Manager Top of the page

Tool that allows to manage customer accounts and relationship between the accounts and users. Using Account Manager Hosting Service Provider can register new customer - create new personal or business account. Once account is operational - HSP can view or edit the general account information, contact information, lists of payments, statements and bills that exist for this account in the Billing Manager.

Using Account Manager sales manager of the Hosting Service Provider checks an account balance of one of the customers and checks the list of payments received from the customer. Then he finds out that amount of the last payment received from this customer is too big. Sales Manager checks last statement and bills that were sent to the customer. From the bill he discovers that big amount is due to the huge network traffic over-usage by one of the customer VEs. He checks the list of Customer VEs and finds out that VE is subscribed to the plan that has a very small amount of network included and high overusage rate. He calls the Customer to propose him to upgrade to the new plan that includes more traffic. Customer agrees to upgrade. Sales Manager upgrades VE to new hosting plan.

Channel Manager Channel Manager Top of the page

Channel Manager is a tool that allows managing the Resellers in HSPcomplete. Using the Channel Manager HSP registers new reseller with the system, assigns the credit limit and partner level to new reseller, register users from the reseller company.

After signing the partnership agreement channel manager from the Hosting Service Provider company registers new reseller with the system. He then assigns the credit limit and partner level to new reseller, register users from the reseller company. Then he sends the login information to the reseller and reseller logs in, creates VEs for his customers.

Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager Top of the page

Enterprise Manager is a tool that allows to manage enterprise customers in HSPcomplete. Using the Enterprise Manager HSP registers new enterprise customers with the system, assigns the credit limit to new enterprise customer, register users from the enterprise customer's company.

HSP sales manager registers new enterprise customer with the system. He then assigns the credit limit to new enterprise customer, registers users from the enterprise customer company. Then he sends the login information to the administrator from enterprise customer company and administrator logs in, creates VEs for the departments in his company (treated as separate customers in HSPcomplete).

Billing Manager Billing Manager Top of the page

Billing Manager provides an ability to create new hosting plans, manage promotions and discounts, create billing cycles, process online and offline payments, manage account statements.

Few prospective customers requested from the HSP a specific service plan that will include a lot of network traffic. None of the existing plans look suitable to the customer. HSP decides to start selling this new service offering that will include big volume of the network traffic. Using Billing Manager sales manager from the Hosting Service Provider company creates new hosting plan, specifies the setup and monthly fees, specifies the complimentary applications and applications that customers can select optionally to be installed in their VEs. Once customers subscribed to the new hosting plan - Billing Manager automatically generates bills for the customers - for subscriptions and resource usage.

Commerce Manager Commerce Manager Top of the page

Commerce Manager is a simple e-commerce application that allows Hosting Service Providers and resellers to sell the hosting plans online. Using the Commerce manager customers can self-provision services and applications. HSPs can process the orders placed by the customers. Public part of the Commerce Manager is called HSPstore.

It is Friday afternoon. Small customer needs his small dynamic website up and running by Monday. Site is written in Perl with pieces on PHP and intensively uses Perl modules. So simple shared web hosting is not enough for them - they need controllable environment - where they can install and use the software they need. Even if it is possible for the company workers to work over the weekend - they need the web server installed and configured in the HSP data center. Customer visits the HSP website and finds out that he can purchase the pre-configured server online in HSP's HSPstore. He browses the offerings, compares different hosting plans, selects one of the plans, and selects Apache web server, mod_perl, MySQL database and PHP to be installed on his server. He registers, pays online with the corporate credit card and provides simple host configuration information. Commerce Manager provisions customer's VE with Apache and MySQL installed in it and starts VE. It took 15 minutes for the customer to get his own web server installed, configured and connected to the Internet.

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