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  Confixx Control Panels   Confixx Control Panels
  Admin Interface
  Reseller Interface
  User Interface

Technology For
Fast and Furious HSPs
VPS Fast Start Program teaser Hosting Service Providers are jump-starting their profits using Virtuozzo technology to partition their servers into hundreds of fully-isolated and secure “Virtual Private Servers.”
Starting from $3,000


Features of the Reseller Interface

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The admin can apply any restrictions to these features.
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Li End-user area
Li Reseller's area
Li Administrator's area
  • Create users
    The reseller can create users and, remaining within the reseller’s own privileges, assign services such as storage space, e-mail addresses, etc.
  • Personal data
    Personal data can be entered for each user. This makes possible, for example, the simple allocation of system users to users in the bookkeeping software.
  • Templates
    There is no limit to the number of templates that can be created. These are pre-defined settings which are loaded when setting up new users. There is therefore no need to re-enter storage space for, say, 25 MB, 25 e-mail addresses for a template every time.
  • E-mail templates
    When a user has been created, a previously defined standard e-mail can be sent to the new user. The user name and password can be automatically inserted into this e-mail. You can create a standard e-mail for each template.
  • Circular to Users
    A reseller is able to send an e-mail to all users simultaneously.
  • User help files
    The reseller can create an individual help page that users can access from the Confixx web- interface. There the reseller can, for example, include a link to the Confixx User Manual and information pertaining to technical support.
  • Lock users
    Individual users can be locked completely. Access to the Confixx web interface, FTP and POP3 access are not possible. Once you unlock the user, all services will be available once again and do not have to be reestablished.
  • Powerful evaluation of traffic
    Detailed measuring of traffic divided into Web and FTP traffic for the entire reseller or individual users. Traffic is evaluated and displayed graphically for entire months and single days.
  • Comprehensive stats showing services used by users
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