
Media Talk

ZDNet, April 25, 2002 Linux software company signs deals
iApplianceWeb, April 23, 2002 SWSoft Consolidates Server iAppliances
Serverwatch, April 24, 2002 Is Magnum-SC an Explosive for the Server Consolidation Market?
CNET, April 24, 2002 Linux software company signs deals
ZDNet, April 22, 2002 Open source: Could it could serve you better?
Newsforge, April 26, 2002 Linux mainframe grandfather: Several companies are proving Linux's worth
ZDNet, April 18, 2002 The commercial salvation of Linux
CRN, April 12, 2002 Calm, Cool & Collected
CRN, April 5, 2002 Sun's Linux Stand
Enterprise Linux Today, April 3, 2002 Sun Responds: Mainframes Running Linux, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
LinuxToday, April 3, 2002 Sun Responds: Mainframes Running Linux, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
LinuxGram, April 2, 2002 Sun Responds: Mainframes Running Linux, Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
WebHost Dir, April 2, 2002 Interview with SWsoft
Builder.com, March 26, 2002 TCP/IP options for high-performance data transmission
ITworld, March 26, 2002 Sun to Linux: Not on My Mainframe
Builder.com, March 12, 2002 Use sendfile() to optimize data transfer
Linux PR, March 11, 2002 Linux Establishment Issues Retort to Sun
the451.com, March 7, 2002 Sun tries once again to prove its love for Linux
NewsForge, March 7th, 2002 Linux on the mainframe -- why it's a good idea (an open letter to Sun)
LinuxGram, March 6th, 2002 An Open Letter to Sun from the Linux Establishment