The Web Host Industry Review SWsoft Releases Virtuozzo 2.0
by Peter Galli, eWeek SWsoft Upgrades Virtualization Software
HostBuzz.com Dell, Intel and SWsoft help 1-Net launch breakthrough hosting service
Web Hosting Review Dell, Intel and SWsoft Help 1-Net Launch Hosting Service
Computimes, New Straits Times Dec 6, 2001 SWsoft going after local hosting service provider market
December 3, 2002 SWsoft Releases Traffic Manager for Mail, Web Servers
by Lim Fung Meng, CNET Asia Web hosting companies are set to take over from large Internet data centres across Asia
November 22, 2001 The little OS that could
November 19, 2001 Hosting automation to the rescue
October, 2001 Alexey Kuznetsov recognized as one of the Keepers of the Kernel
PC World Singapore, October 2001 ASPLinux 7.1 Product Feature
Client Server News (page 5) Russians Wade in on Server Virtualization
September 24, 2001 SWsoft delivers HSPComplete targeted at Asian hosting market
The Web Host Industry Review SWsoft and 1-Net Launch Hosting Control Service
Business Times, August 27, 2001 Virtual@1-Net from 1-Net and SWsoft
Computer World, July, 2001 Creating virtual environments
July 24, 2001 Software hope for Internet data centres in Asia
BuzzCity, July 20th, 2001 Creating virtual environments
July 20, 2001 ASPLinux appoints Genovate training partner for Singapore, India
Computer World, July 13-19, 2001 Beyond trombones