

10/15/2002 SWsoft Releases New ResellerControlCenter, Announces Lowest Industry Pricing on Shared Hosting Reseller Control Panels 09/24/2002 SWsoft Releases Virtuozzo 2.5, Highest-Performing Server Virtualization Technology for Intel® Architecture Servers 09/11/2002 SWsoft Announces Intergenia, eServers, Hostmania Each Offer Virtual Private Servers on Thousands of Virtuozzo, HSPcomplete-Powered Linux Servers 08/29/2002 SWsoft Announces New VPS Enrollment Program 08/13/2002 Study Predicts Internet Hosting Companies Targeting SMBs, Web Services to Brighten, Grow Weak U.S. Economy 08/01/2002 SWsoft Announces HSPcomplete 2.0 Full Business Lifecycle Hosting Automation Solution 06/11/2002 Ten New Service Providers Launch Virtuozzo-Based HSPcomplete Hosting; New Technology Positions IBM, Dell Linux Servers to Surpass NTT/Verio Services 05/21/2002 Response to Shahin Khan’s “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” 04/30/2002 SWsoft Announces First-Ever Server Consolidation Appliance Line "Magnum-SC" 03/05/2002 Linux on the Mainframe – Why It’s a Good Idea. In response to Sun Microsystems - Reality Check 02/21/2002 Virtuozzo Enables Over 2000 Instances of Linux On a Single Intel-Based Dell Server 02/11/2002 SWsoft Alliance Program Boosts .NET-like Software Sales For Macromedia, Verisign, Miva, Planet Intra 01/10/2002 SWsoft Releases Virtuozzo 2.0, Bringing Mainframe-Inspired Functionality to Intel-Based Servers 12/05/2001 SWsoft Announces The Release Of xLswitch, The Universal Traffic Management Solution 11/30/2001 Dell, Intel and SWsoft Help 1-Net Singapore Launch Breakthrough Hosting Service 09/19/2001 SWsoft Delivers Enhanced Solution To Asian Hosting Market 08/15/2001 Virtual@1-Net allows customers to control and scale their own hosting environment 07/19/2001 ASPLinux Appoints Genovate as Authorized Training Partner for Singapore and India 06/25/2001 ASPLinux Unveils OS Selector 5.0 in Asia 05/28/2001 ASPLinux 7.1 Version Pushes Full Featured Solution for Fast-growing Enterprise and Internet Infrastructure Users