
Dell, Intel and SWsoft Help 1-Net Singapore Launch Breakthrough Hosting Service
Solution Overview
1-Net Singapore Pte. Ltd. wanted to offer a high-value yet affordable hosting service that would allow small- and medium-size enterprises to develop, maintain and scale their Net presence with a minimum of effort and technical manpower resources. The service needed to be delivered via a costeffective platform that could scale in tandem with the growth of 1-Net Singapore's clients, and that could match the service provider's own broadband network
infrastructure in the areas of availability, reliability and security
1-Net Singapore turned to Intel® and DellTM and its software partner SWsoft for a scalable, comprehensive solution that allows it to offer a complete virtual Web hosting service to a large number of customers while significantly reducing its own administrative and hardware costs.
1-Net Singapore is the pioneer and main driver of broadband in Singapore.
It established the nationwide Singapore ONE broadband backbone and
network infrastructure and has successfully managed the network since
1997. A wholly owned subsidiary of media giant MediaCorp Group of
Companies since October 2000, 1-Net serves as the country's broadband
exchange, connecting ISPs, providers of broadband and hosting services,
government agencies, educational and research institutions, enterprises,
and other IT and telecom service providers.
Besides broadband connectivity, 1-Net provides
hosting and managed services, and broadbandenabled
an industrial complex - the first in Singapore
- that brings e-business service providers together to
enjoy the facilities of a wired-up business center at an
affordable cost.
In early 2001, 1-Net saw an opportunity in the
hosting services market.
"At one end of the spectrum are those businesses that
either do not have Web sites or, at most, basic 'ebrochure'-type sites parked with increasingly
untenable providers of free hosting services," says
Luke Lee, Business Development Manager. At the
other are those large enterprises that have the
financial, manpower and technical resources to build
and operate their own data centers.
Somewhere between the two ends are those who
typically co-locate or co-share Web servers at hosting
companies or Internet Data Centers, an arrangement
that still requires the enterprises to own hardware and
have the technical resources to manage the servers
and sites. It was in this segment and the 'nil or free
site' niche that, according to Lee, "1-Net saw
enormous potential for a hosting service that would
not require customers to actually own hardware and
yet allow them to have access to dedicated hardware
and other resources that are virtually their own."
For the vehicle to enable and deliver this virtual
hosting service, 1-Net met SWsoft, which was then
readying for market HSPcomplete, its end-to-end
solution for hosting service providers. Incorporating
virtualization, resource management and clustering
features, HSPcomplete allows service providers to
offer their customers a full suite of services, from
shared Web hosting for small- and medium-sized
businesses to cluster configurations for large
enterprises. Its key feature: allowing hosting service
providers such as 1-Net to have hundreds of
customers with their own full-featured virtual private
servers sharing a single physical server - without the
need for additional manpower resources.
In dollar terms the cost of provisioning each
customer was dramatically reduced and the HSP
complete is a solution for a Hosting Service
Providers (HSP) which are facing the challenge
balance of profitability and growth.
DELLTM a Natural Choice
1-Net signed up for HSPcomplete in
April, becoming SWsoft's first
customer of the solution. For the
hardware platform on which to
deliver the virtual hosting service,
SWsoft recommended Dell. The
choice was an easy one to make,
recalls Alex Gontcharov, Deputy
Director, Business Development,
"First of all, Dell provides very
innovative products that use cuttingedge
technologies. What we found
attractive were the monitoring tools,
the Dell Open Manage server
management software, and the ease
of upgrading. Dell's Intel based
servers also have very innovative
designs; the built-in redundancy
features allow us to actually upgrade
the servers without having to remove
them from the rack."
Other factors that went into SWsoft's
decision to recommend Dell
hardware were the affordable pricing
that Dell could offer through its 'no
middlemen' direct sales model, the
speed of delivery, Dell's reputation
for delivering products of a very high
quality, and the availability of a
leasing program that reduced upfront
"We planned to initially target the
service at small- and medium-size
enterprises, with price plans at
affordable levels. Hardware-wise, we
wanted a well known and reliable
brand, the latest technologies, and
pricing that would allow us to offer
sensible prices to our customers. Dell
made sense," says Lee.
The total solution deployed at 1-Net
comprises HSPcomplete running on
ASPLinux and a cluster of Dell
Poweredge servers: one Intel based
8-processor Dell PowerEdge 8450
data center server and three Dell
PowerEdge 1550 ultra rack-dense
general-purpose servers. A 250GB
external RAID storage sub-system -
also from Dell - completes the
Virtual@1-Net Takes Off
1-Net launched its virtual hosting
service in August under the
Virtual@1-Net brand. The basic plan
costs just S$15 a month, and gives
subscribers their own virtual Web
server on 1-Net's broadband
network, Web mail, FTP server,
Microsoft Front Page 2000/XP
extensions and a pre-installed
"Customers also have their own
administrative or root access rights.
Each of them can log in to their own
server, deploy their preferred
software, and manage the server the
way you want. It's effectively their
own server, just that it's not
physically there. If they need more
disk or memory space, an upgrade to
a higher subscription plan can be
easily performed," says Lee.
The breakthrough hosting is also
ideal for resellers who are providing
Web design services as it enables
them to have total control of the Web
hosting facility without investing in
any capital assets. "In fact, since we
launched the service, we've had
numerous enquiries from would-be
resellers, some from as physically far
away as the U.S. and Canada," Lee
Customers can apply for Virtual@1-Net at http://virtual.1-net.com.sg
there's hardly any paperwork. Once
the customers chooses a subscription
plan, pays for it, and payment is
accepted, HSPcomplete automatically
creates a virtual server within the
Dell cluster and provides software
included in the plan to the server - all
within minutes. From there on,
customers can load in their Web
content and applications, etc.
"With the comprehensive
HSPcomplete and Dell combination,
we now have the best platform,
features, expandability and
availability of quality local support
for customers developing their
businesses in this rapidly changing
environment. It also makes us more
competitive and profitable by
significantly reducing our
administrative and hardware costs."
"We planned to initially target the service at
small- and medium-size enterprises, with price
plans at affordable levels. Hardware-wise, we
wanted a well known and reliable brand, the
latest technologies, and pricing that would
allow us to offer sensible prices to our customers.
Dell made sense."
Luke Lee
Business Development Manager
1-Net Singapore Pte. Ltd.
"It's that simple and that fast. Our
customers get a cost-effective,
flexible and scalable hosting
environment in double-quick time.
For us, it certainly makes more sense
than buying multiple servers, each of
which needs to be configured and can
only serve tens of customers in the
traditional hosting schema. We've not
had to allocate additional technical
manpower resources," says Lee.
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