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Classification of Registrants who are business and non-trading individuals

Becoming a Tag Holder

Tag Holder Instructions

Expanded WHOIS

Classification of Registrants

Tag Holder FAQ

Terms and Conditions Project

Pre-Nominet Domain Name FAQ for Tag Holders

New Tag Change Policy

Proposed Tag Holder Agreement


From 1 October 2002, the Registrant address fields of the expanded WHOIS will go live for those Registrants that are categorised as businesses. A domain name registrant will be identified as a business if:

  1. The "reg-type" field entry on the Register entry is populated and is not an individual
  2. The company registration number, "reg co no" field, is populated on the Register entry and it contains a syntactically correct Companies House number
  3. The registration is in either the .ltd.uk, .plc.uk or .sch.uk Second Level Domain
  4. The Registrant name, the registered "for" field, contains the word "ltd" "plc" or "limited"
  5. Any of the following discrete words appear in the Registrant name, the "for" field:
    • agency
    • agents
    • associates
    • association
    • business
    • college
    • commerce
    • company
    • consultancy
    • consultants
    • consulting
    • corp
    • corporation
    • council
    • enterprises
    • gmbh
    • holdings
    • inc
    • incorporated
    • institute
    • institution
    • partners
    • partnership
    • solicitors
  6. Any of the following discrete words appear as the last word in the Registrant name, "for" field:
    • co
    • school
    • trust
    • university

Non-trading individuals

Non-trading individuals are Registrants who are not using or intending to use their domain name in the course of a business, trade or profession.

From 1 December 2002, the second phase of the WHOIS will be implemented to include address details for all domain names registered or renewed after 1 December 2002, unless the Registrant is a non-trading individual and has positively chosen to opt-out. The address details of these registrations will start to appear from the end of the month in which the domain name is registered or renewed.

It is anticipated that the WHOIS will contain address details for all registrations, except for those who have opted out, by the 1 December 2004.

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