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new tag holder agreement

Becoming a Tag Holder

Tag Holder Instructions

Expanded WHOIS

Terms and Conditions Project

Pre-Nominet Domain Name FAQ for Tag Holders

New Tag Change Policy

Proposed Tag Holder Agreement

- Summary of Changes

- Revised Tag Holder Agreement (Word)

- Revised Tag Holder Agreement (pdf)

- Consultation Responses

  This seems like a really bad idea.

While it means that getting control of disputed domain names is easier, it would also mean that any leverage for the settlements of debts is removed. As the system stands, refusing to release a domain name until monies owed are paid is a strong bargaining tool. Once the domain name has been moved elsewhere, chasing any debts will become alot harder if not impossible.

This may not be a problem for large companies with a large legal force behind them, but for smaller companies it will be a nightmare.

Andy Rooney
Technical and Development

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