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    Your Domain Name Registration Certificate

Registration Certificates

- Reply Form

- Specimen Certificate

Renewing your Domain Name

Detagged Domain Names

Pre-Nominet Domain Names


Reply Form

A reply form is attached to each certificate. This must be completed and signed by an authorised representative of the Registrant: a director or company secretary in the case of a registered company; a partner or the partnership secretary in the case of a partnership; or, the individual in the case of a sole trader or individual.

The reply form must then be returned directly to Nominet UK. This is to ensure that your Domain Name registration is secure. The information you give on the form and your signature are kept on record, and are used as a reference point if you contact us in the future, for example if you wish to transfer or surrender your Domain Name.

Additional Information

We will update the information on the register using the information you have provided, and include any additional information you have given us on the reply form.

Changed Information

If the reply form indicates that the name of the Registrant in the database is incorrect, you are required to indemnify Nominet against changing the registration data erroneously, by signing a formal declaration. Only at this point is the change made and a new Certificate issued.

You must also advise both Nominet and your ISP of any changes to your contact details - such as your postal address - throughout the registration period.

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