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    Renewing Your Domain Name

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Renewing your Domain Name

Detagged Domain Names

Pre-Nominet Domain Names


Renewing registrations every two years helps to maintain the quality of the data contained in the Register Database and ensures that Domain Names that are no longer wanted are removed and become available for others to use.

All Domain Name registrations made through Nominet UK since August 1996 are valid for a two-year period and must therefore be renewed every two years. The first Domain Names came up for renewal in August 1998 and will do so again in August 2000.

Domain Names are usually renewed by ISPs on behalf of their customers - they should contact you automatically in advance of the renewal date to check that you want to remain the Domain Name holder. Renewals information is only sent directly to you if your contact details have been provided by your ISP, which is at their discretion.

It is a good idea to know the date of expiry of your current registration - this will appear on your Domain Name Registration Certificate.

You should also ensure that your ISP - and Nominet - is informed of any changes to your contact details so that you can be advised when the renewal becomes due.

Nominet charges the same fee for the registration and renewal of a Domain Name. Each two-year period is charged at the current fee level.

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