From September 24 2001, Nominet will be introducing a new Dispute Resolution Service for the .uk Top Level Domain. Full details of the new service are outlined in the new policy and procedure that will become effective at that time.
Nominet proposed the new DRS in February 2001. It was refined through a public consultation exercise that was undertaken during February and March 2001. The consultation generated over 20 formal responses from a variety of stakeholders, whose views were taken into account when re-designing the new service.
The new service is intended to offer an efficient and transparent method of resolving Domain Name disputes. It will include a period of mediation by Nominet staff, followed, if necessary, by referral to an independent expert for a decision on payment of a £750 fee by the Complainant.
All decisions will be published on the Nominet web site, and an Appeal procedure will be available on payment of an additional fee.
If you have any queries about the new service or would like further information, please contact us by emailing