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    Your Domain Name Registration Certificate

Registration Certificates

- Reply Form

- Specimen Certificate

Renewing your Domain Name

Detagged Domain Names

Pre-Nominet Domain Names


Nominet issues Certificates as confirmation of the contract that exists between Nominet and the Registrant. Given the increasing value of Domain Names as commercial assets, this is vital.

The Certificate is usually issued only after the registration details have been entered into the Register Database and the Domain Name fees have been received by Nominet from your ISP, or from you, if you registered your Domain Name directly with Nominet.

If the ISP has provided your contact details to Nominet - which is at their discretion - the Certificate will be sent to you direct, otherwise, it will be sent to your ISP.

Along with your Certificate, you will also receive a Registrant Reply form, Registrant Notes and a copy of our Terms & Conditions.

Some ISPs will issue their own form of Domain Name Certificate, but Nominet recommends that new Domain Name holders ask their ISP to forward the official Certificate issued by Nominet. It is important to be aware that even if you have registered your Domain Name through an ISP, a contractual relationship still exists between you and Nominet for the Domain Name registration, in addition to any other agreements that may be in place.

Certificates are important documents that confirm the Registrant of the Domain Name. Once you receive your Certificate, you must check that all the details are correct and return the reply form attached to the Certificate

Please keep your registration Certificate in a safe place. It is an important document and you may be required to produce it in the future. We will ask you to return your certificate if you wish to transfer or surrender your Domain Name.

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