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    Choosing A Domain Name

The Name


New Rules

Infringing Third Party Rights

How to use WHOIS

School Domain Names


There are three aspects to choosing a Domain Name:

  • The name itself - such as bbc.co.uk
  • The choice of Second Level Domain - such as .co.uk, .plc.uk or the new .me.uk
  • The choice of Top Level Domain - such as .uk

Having decided on your Domain Name, you then need to check whether it is available or whether it has been registered already by another user. This is done by using the Nominet WHOIS service, an on-line search facility that provides details of Domain Name Registrations in a matter of seconds.

Also, bear in mind that when you register a Domain Name, you are obliged to agree with Nominet's Terms and Conditions for Domain Name Registration. These require that you declare that the registration does not infringe the rights of others and are in addition to any contractual agreement that you may have with your Internet Service Provider.

For further information see the section on How To Register.

International Domain Names

Nominet UK only deals with Domain Name registrations made in the .uk Top Level Domain (TLD).

An Internet Service Provider should be able to give advice on registering Domain Names in other TLDs.

If you prefer to go directly to other Registries, a list can be found by clicking here

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