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Direct Registrations

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Direct Registrations


- Instructions

- Application Form

Proposed Terms and Conditions

  You are advised to register a Domain Name through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that is a member of Nominet UK. Nominet members can register domain names automatically and usually within a matter of seconds.

Nominet cannot recommend a particular ISP, however, a list of our members can be found at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/members/members.html

Some technically competent users may wish to register Domain Names directly with Nominet. To register directly with us applicants must have access to two name servers that are permanently connected to the Internet. Direct registrations cost £80 plus VAT and may take up to a week to process.

Those wishing to register direct should complete the direct registration application form on the web site. This form should not be completed without reading the FAQ and the instructions for completing a direct registration application.

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