Simon Carne |
Simon Carne is a consultant applying his expertise in finance, accounting and economics to regulatory policy and commercial dispute resolution. Since 1994, he has been a member of the panel of economic advisers to the Director General of Telecommunications (OFTEL) and to his Chief Economist. In that role, he has analysed and developed policy for the price-regulation of BT and the transition to a competitive communications sector.
He has been a regular guest columnist in national journals including The Times and Financial Times. He recently completed three years as a Visiting Lecturer at City University, Department of Economics, teaching on the MSc course in Economic Regulation and Competition. In the 1980s, he set up and led the forensic accounting department within Ernst & Young, providing expert evidence and advice to clients involved in commercial disputes. In the early 1990s, he was a principal in a US-owned firm of economic consultants (now part of PA Consulting). Since 1994, he has been an independent consultant. APPOINTMENTS