Guidance notes for completing registrant details on the Automaton template
- Automaton Template Guidelines |
The information you need to input in these fields depends on whether the registrant is an individual or a limited company or other entity, as follows: LTD, PLC, LLP In the case of a UK company - Limited Company, Public Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership - you should enter the registered name of the company or partnership in the 'for' field. The 'reg-address' field is mandatory in all cases. Postcode fields should always be entered for UK addresses, and postcode syntax checks are made. Always enter a postal town. In the 'reg-contact' field enter the name of an individual at the registrant's address who can deal with matters relating to the domain name. This could be a job title (eg. IT Director) rather than a person's name. If the registrant also has a trading name, you should enter it in the 'reg-trad-name' field. In the 'reg-type' field you need to enter the appropriate one of LTD, PLC or LLP. You should enter the registrant's Companies House Registration Number in the 'reg-co-no' field. IND, STRA In the case of an individual, or a sole trader you should put the real name of the person in the 'for' field. A pseudonym or trading name alone is not sufficient. If the registration is made for an individual with a pseudonym, the preferred format is real name aka pseudonym. You are advised to fill in the 'reg-trad-name' if the registrant is a sole trader. It may be a breach of the Business Names Act for a sole trader to hide behind a trading name without disclosing his or her own name. In the 'reg-type' field you need to enter the appropriate one of IND or STRA. You do not need to fill in the 'reg-co-no' field. PTNR In the case of a partnership you should enter the names of all the partners in the 'for' field. If the partnership consists of more than 3 partners, enter the partnership's trading name in the "for" field. Enter the name of the senior or managing partner(s) in the 'reg-contact' field, and the title of senior partner or managing partner where appropriate. You need to enter PTNR in the 'reg-type' field. This helps Nominet when dealing with the registrant. For instance, putting PTNR for partnership indicates to staff that the reply form or transfer form would need to be signed by a partner. OTHER, FOTHER If the registrant is an entity that does not fit into any of the other categories, enter the name of the entity in the 'for' field. In the 'reg-contact' field you need to put the name of a person at the registrant's address who can deal with matters relating to the domain name. This could alternatively be a job title. If the registrant has a trading name you should put it in the 'reg-trad-name' field. In the 'reg-type' field you should enter OTHER only if none of the other codes are applicable to the registrant. FCORP In the case of a foreign corporation you need to put the name of the foreign entity in the 'for' field. In the 'reg-contact' field you need to put the name of a person at the registrant's address who can deal with matters relating to the domain name. This could alternatively be a job title. If the registrant has a trading name you should put it in the 'reg-trad-name' field. In the 'reg-type' field you need to put FCORP. You do not need to put a registered Company Number in the 'reg-co-no' field for a foreign company. |