Re: [vserver] ssh -X vserver

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From: Fran Firman (
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 19:01:17 EDT

Well Just to let everyone know, the ssh -x option is now working fine.

I only did the change for the X11UseLocalhost no and it is now working.

Go figure as to why it didn't before.

Anyway Thanks for all you help.


On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 09:12, Fran Firman wrote:
> Only if you are the first one in....
> ssh automatically increases the screen number as more log in.
> F.
> On Thu, 2002-07-25 at 20:41, Dieter Bigalke wrote:
> > Zitat von Fran Firman <>:
> >
> > > That changed it from a display of localhost:10 to wanquery:10 which is a
> > > start, but it still doesn't work.
> > >
> > > Following is the transcript.
> >
> > ......
> >
> > > Last login: Thu Jul 25 09:23:47 2002 from
> > > fran_at_wanquery:~$ echo $DISPLAY
> > > wanquery:11.0
> > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> > why 11.0 ? it has to be wanquery:10.0
> >
> > .....
> >
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Fran
> > >
> >
> > Dieter
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------
> > This mail sent through IMP:
> >
> >

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