RE: [vserver] Vserver Multi-ip

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From: Jerry Wilborn (
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 16:16:48 EDT

the billing department for ensim has been unresponsive for months for our
account, guess they dont need money.

im not sure that it has been overcome, but there used to be a 2G limit on
virtual drives.

the kernel is custom compiled by ensim so forget about using reiserfs.

there is a per virtual server charge (this doesnt exist for vserver).

of course, i'm just a bit peaved at the whole billing thing, so my opinion
could be totally wrong =)

Jerry Wilborn, Network Operations
FASTNET - Internet Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Menage []
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [vserver] Vserver Multi-ip

>problem is the patch but we can't find one. Do you have a suggestion
>regarding to the vserver to support multi-ip or even another software
>that can give root access to user (excluding ProVSD)


Ensim "private servers" support multiple IP addresses per virtual
private server, along with about as full (virtual) root access as it's
possible to allow without compromising the security of the host server
or the other private servers on that host, e.g. they run quite happily
with the standard RedHat inittab and init scripts, and have (what
appears to be) full access to the network for applications like tcpdump.

They also have RAM/swap quotas, disk quota/bandwidth and network
bandwidth limits.

They're somewhere between VMware and vserver both in terms of level of
virtualisation, and performance overhead.

Quite a few ISPs offer Ensim private servers, including



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