RE: [vserver] Virtual Network Devices

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From: Peter Kwan Chan (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 21:41:00 EDT

I am not a networking expert, but if I may ask, would iptables work? I
can imagine that you can setup rules so that no traffics coming from the
outside can get in, or vice versa.


-----Original Message-----
From: Billy Hager []
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 3:40 PM
Subject: [vserver] Virtual Network Devices

I am working with a computer which has one network card and runs one
Outside the vserver the computer acts a print/nfs server for my local
network. Inside the shell server is a full Linux distrobution running
as a
shell server. I would like to set up a situation where no network
from the vserver ever goes anywhere else but the internet.

I don't want people on the vserver using my printer and poking around my
network. ;)

I would like to create a virtual network interface that I could connect
vserver to and filter with iptables. User Mode Linux(UML) uses virtual
network devices to manage its network, and I know I could use it.
Unfortunately, UML creates a layer of complexity that I don't want to

Is there another way that I can create a virtual network interface
using UML? TUN/TAP looks promising, and that's what UML uses to create
virtual network. Again, I have been unable to find a solution that
use UML.

Does anyone know of any solutions that don't require UML?

Another option would be to buy a second network card and switch. The
would be bound to one card(eth0) and everything else would use the other

card(eth1). That's a $60+ solution, though, and I don't learn anything
the process. There must be a way to set up a virtual network.

Thanks in advance,
Billy Hager

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