Re: [vserver] per-vserver timezones

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From: Joel Vandal (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 14:36:13 EDT

> Is it possible for vservers to operate in different timezones from one
> another and from the main server? I understand the actual raw time across
> all vservers would be the same, but I'd like each vserver to interpret the
> timezone differently.

I try to set different Timezone on 3 vservers and when I check the time,
they show the time
corresponding to my timezone.

main server: mar mai 14 14:34:12 EDT 2002 (America/Montreal)
vserver1 : mar mai 14 20:34:21 CEST 2002 (Europe/Paris)
vserver2 : mar mai 14 19:34:43 BST 2002 (Great Britain)
vserver3 : mar mai 14 22:34:52 MUT 2002 (India/Maurice)

Joel Vandal

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