[vserver] Cookbook Vservers

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From: Roderick A. Anderson (raanders_at_acm.org)
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 18:27:51 EDT

I am working on writing a cook book for creating a vserver based system.
So far I have had interesting results with the systems I have played with
so I think even now is a good time for this. (The original idea was write
an article for one of the Linux magazines but they do not seem interested
at this time.)

So if anyone that can offer ideas or thoughts I would appreciate them. As
I write I'm going to test the process so initailly I only have some vague
ideas on the process. Please be kind.

1. Build/aquire a system capable of running vservers. (I currently have
    one as low as a Pentium-S 133 with 64 MByte RAM, Two SCSI drives (a 4
    GByte main disk and a 2 GByte - the vserser partition)
    This will be a very light duty system. Mostly providing mail services
    for a couple of domains instead of using vmail.

2. Install the OS. I'm using Redhat Linux 7.2 but will upgrade to
    7.3/8.9 (skipjack) as soon as it is out. (Kernel matches the current
    ctx version.

3. Create a template vserver. My thoughts are to install from the root
    server and then strip out the fluff/cruft that comes with a
    do-many-things Redhat install. (Could I create an 'install CD'
    of RPMS based on the packages this template vserver has installed and
    use it on other physical systems for an install from CD options?)

4. Create unified servers from the template. Add whatever is
    wanted/needed for each vserver. Customize /etc/vservers/XXXX.conf and
    /etc/vservers/XXXX.sh for each vserver.

Thoughts and ideas?


             Why is it so easy to throw caution to the wind.
            Shouldn't it be heavier and shaped like an anvil?

Jon Anderson

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