Re: [vserver] newvserver segfaults

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From: Matthew Hill (
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 05:32:49 EDT


I did previously download the linxuconf rpm's supplied via the interface
on solucorp, and they were correct for redhat. For whatever
reason after erasing all and re-installing with 1.27r5 (was 1.27r3)
plus all devel libraries and it now functions.

I thank you for the suggestion.

Dieter Bigalke wrote:

> Hello Matthew,
> i think there are linuxconf rpms for redhat and suse, try the other one.
> Dieter
> Matthew Hill wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Having a problem with the newvserver script, haven't had problems
>> previous
>> however it consistently segfaults on this box.
>> Any ideas?

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