Re: [vserver] private server hosting

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From: Matthew Hill (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 18:51:09 EDT


What I neglected to realize when you made the LVM suggestion,
is that by creating unique partitions for each vserver, setting up
quotas for each discrete vserver would be simple by initializing
quotas on the main server.

Each vserver LVM partition /vserver/tst1 for example, would contain
a unique quota.user file and it would not matter that a UID of
the same enumeration had a quota set on another vserver or
the primary filesystem as quotas are relevent only to the current
partition and quota.user file (in thise case /vserver/tst1/quota.user).

The vserver would still have control over it's own quotas as the
file is rw root in the directory of "/" within it's chroot. And the
server running in security context 0 would do the actual enforcement
and maintinence such as quotacheck.

Did I miss anything?


Matthew HIll
CEO, Liquid Web Inc.

d m wrote:

>ok, I got it now. Indeed, it would be a life-filling task to
>do this with LVM...
>I'm not that firm with quota, but isn't it true, that quota uses only
>the UIDs ?
>So, as the UID in a vserver are the same UIDs in the main-server, one
>could use quotas on the main-server configuring the UIDs only (!) used
>by the users of a vserver (e.g. an isolated area od UIDs).
>Am Die, 2002-04-09 um 12.17 schrieb Matthew Hill:
>>Thank you for the suggestion, as LVM would be an excellent
>>system for controlling total vserver disk consumption.
>>However the largest concern remaining, on which I was
>>admittedly unclear, is that I'm trying to implement
>>per-user quotas in a system where users are perpetually
>>created and destroyed by web-based admin tools given
>>to the owner of the vserver.
>>Any suggestions? I would think it rather tedious from
>>an administrative standpoint to attempt to use LVM
>>per /home/user directories, whereas the best hack attempts
>>I could envision using the current vserver setup would
>>set quotas spanning all vservers and create overlap in chosen
>>user names and disk consumption (lacking virtualized quotas,
>>which I realize to be no small task). I had noticed one
>>other post to this list requesting quotas support on the
>>/dev/hdv a few weeks back.
>>Matthew Hill

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